Tuesday, 29 January 2019

AGM 2019

The AGM of the league was held on the 23rd of January 2019.

The key decision made was that the league would no longer be team based but fished on an individual basis.

The new rules for the league are at the bottom of this post.

The meeting also selected the league matches for 2019 and these are:

31st March
10:00 - 13:00
Lowther Gardens to Fairlawn Road
14th April
9:00 - 12:00
Lowther Gardens to Fairlawn Road
26th May
Knott End
9:00 - 12:00
Ferry Slip to Steps on Golf Course
2nd June
9:00 - 12:00
Gully to Bend

16th June
Gynn Wall
9:00 - 12:00
Gynn Square to Red Bank Road
14th July
8:30 - 11:30
Gully to Bend

28th July
9:30 – 12:30
Wooden Jetty Out

6th October
9:30 - 12:30
Peg 51 to Start of Wall

13th October
10:00 - 13:00
Five Bar Gate to School

10th November
Gynn Wall
8:00 - 11:00
Gynn Square to Red Bank Road
24th November
Marine Beach
8:00 - 11:00
Meet Kite Shop Car Park

15th December
10:00 - 13:00
Peg 51 to Start of Wall
(Xmas Match)

The following are the new rules for the league.

1.      The League is fished over 12 matches, with the best 9 results counting for the final league positions

2.      Fishing shall be by rod - one per person - and a maximum of 2 hooks (1 hook at Lytham and Fairhaven). Spare baited rigs are allowed. Spare rods are allowed but must not have baited rigs attached.

3.      Bait - no restrictions

4.      Measure and return will be used for all matches, fish must be presented as soon  as possible after they are caught.

5.      Award of Points: - points are awarded for fish based on the ratified measure and return conversion sheets provided to each member. Each fish must be measured and witnessed by another angler with size, points and running total recorded on the match sheet.

6.      Match Results
·         Points for each match will be awarded starting at 10 points and counting down, ties will attract the same points with the next angler awarded for 1 position lower e.g. tied 1st place will each be awarded 10 points, with third position awarded 8 points

·         5 points is awarded for the highest points scoring fish at each match, in case of ties points will be divided amongst the anglers with any fractions rounded up.

7.      The overall league positions will be based on Individual ranking based on total points from match points any ties will be decided on total catch points.

8.      Match results will be emailed to members and posted onto the League blog site after each match.

9.      When deciding best results the bonus fish points are counted into the total e.g. if a match result  is dropped the bonus fish points are also dropped.

10.  A pool will be run at each match with a £2.00 entry fee to be paid to the Match Secretary before the start of the match. (Prizes a 60%/40%) split.

11.  A match can be cancelled or venue moved either prior  to the date by the Match Secretary after consultation with the anglers or by a meeting of before a match commences. The decision shall be by majority vote.

12.  When matches are arranged, a minimum of 2 anglers need to be present for the match to be fished.

13.  Once a match starts and a fish is caught, the match stands.

14.  Thirty minutes walk out time is allowed before the start of each match. Anglers that have dispensation have an additional fifteen minutes. Thirty minutes is allowed following the completion of a match to present an anglers catch at the weigh in.

15.  No fishing from manmade protruding or advantageous points.

16.  No Herring, Mackerel or Weaver Fish to be counted.

Anyone interested in fishing the league please contact me at coldangler@gmail.com

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